In this episode of our live talk-show “The Thermal” -born in times of confinement- we talked to Ozone Paramotors General Manager, Emilia Plak. Emilia has a very impressive accolade with multiple European and World Championship titles to her name as well as a World Record. In addition, she is a prolific adventurer taking Paramotoring to most corners in the world and building a wealth of experience in Paramotor travel. Here, she shared her experience and advice on topics like traveling with a Paramotor: How to prepare an engine for airplane travel and where to go; maintenance tips; choosing the right equipment; reflex wings; certification and safety; and some news on new products coming from the Ozone factory. This interview was hosted by our collaborator Paolo Belleze but due to some internet problems he “disappeared” and Daniel Crespo had to take it from there. Our apologies for this little incident, Daniel’s English is not the best but Emilia talked very clearly and was really generous with her wisdom. 😉

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