Video: The Toll Road

Stunning images, beautifully edited, and an emotional story, all mix up in this film about paramotor flying, adventure, and the bonds we make with our flying mates.


In the summer of 2014, four friends met up with foreign pilots to go on the ultimate paramotor adventure – to tour the US Southwest. Only weeks after the trip, one of them -Jeff Toll- was tragically killed flying at his home flying field in Chesapeake, VA.

Nine months later, remaining members of Team Fly Halo revisited the southwest to honor and commemorate their fallen friend; and to share his story with the world.

The Toll RoadThe original plot of the film was to document 4 friends (Shane, Byron, Jeff, and myself) taking a few fellow flying buddies from Europe on a grand tour of the American southwest. Sites such as the Grand Canyon, Monument Valley, Arches, Salt Flats, and Burning Man are without a doubt unforgettable locations to behold. Just two weeks after we had finished the tour in late August I got a call from Shane that Jeff was in a flying accident back home and didn’t make it. Unexpected news like this… has no words. We were all just there together, how can this be?”, recalls Ryan Southwell, director of the film.

It was then that I was ever so determined to try and make this little film of ours as good as I can possibly make it so I can honor Jeff and share this great memory of him with his family. The story, however, felt like it was only half told. We were left in a state of never wanting to fly again and that’s not how it’s supposed to end. Nine months later the three of us got together (with Damon, the unyielding work-horse of a friend to help me film) to finish up the story by revisiting some of Jeff’s favorite sites and more. So this film’s journey takes us from the beginning – through Jeff’s passing – and in search of resolve”.

The Toll Road is a non-profit and independent film, which purpose is to honor Jeff Toll’s memory and share his love for the sport.


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