Daniel Crespo´s first impressions on board Gin´s Boomerang 12.

These are Daniel Crespo´s first impressions on board the latest CCC launch by Gin, the Boomerang 12, with Wave Leading Edge.


This is Daniel´s very first contact with the new CCC of the Korean brand during a training XC flight prior to his participation at the Spanish 2022 Championship, El Yelmo. Here´s a hands-on analysis of the different capacities the latest Gin proposal presents, the very first commercial paraglider to incorporate the undulated leading edge. So, if you were wondering how the Boomerang 12 behaves, here is Daniel clearing out his own doubts as well as everybody else’s, in this product-test and video-report made exclusively for Ojovolador. Find out Daniel´s different first sensations and appreciations on board this novel technology that seems to have radically changed the behavior of the most competitive Gin glider.

+ info: https://www.gingliders.com

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