Video: We try paraglider UP Kibo 2, Icaro Xema harness and solar mini-vario Le Bip GPS


Our pilot Daniel Crespo had the chance to try these three new items, and in this video he tells us how it felt.

Kibo 2 de UP resulted an EN B wing with a lot of possibilities in thermals, which stayed stable and kept a lot of pressure in a flight with quite a lot of movement, as well as offering a more than acceptable speed. That is why it is a perfect glider to start flying in thermals and learn about it.

Reversible harness Xema by Icaro is comfortable and well finished, with an airbag that works very well even before take-off.

And solar mini-vario Le Bip GPS by Stodeus is a little instrument which not only beeped like crazy during this flight, but can also give you the basic information about the flight with voice, just by touching it.

Here you can get more information about the three of them:

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