La Muela (Alarilla) is one popular easy site for paragliding and hang gliding in the central area of Spain. It is a humble plateau with some 250m of elevation on the highest face.

Paragliding at sunset in La Muela de Alarilla, Guadalajara (Spain). Photo: Mario Kranks
Paragliding at sunset in La Muela de Alarilla, Guadalajara (Spain). Photo: Mario Cranks

It is flyable with almost any wind direction, and it is a great place for dynamic soaring. La Muela usually offers laminar wind conditions and amazing sunset flights like this of the picture. It has an interesting potential for thermal flight and XC paragliding, although we have to say that it is not easy to get out of there. Perhaps it is more attractive to stay there playing in the wind, or simply floating with your glider on the slope to finish the day sharing a beer with friends.

Photo: Mario Cranks



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