Last Saturday 8th of June the Sakana valley Paragliding Day took place in Iturmendi (Navarre). This is an annual meeting that the local Club Baiza always celebrates around the same dates, when the good weather arrives, and which is nicknamed “the one of the 40th of May”- This event has become more and more popular in recent years, and it also has a loyal audience from all over the country that repeats edition afer edition.
The meeting takes place around the village of Iturmendi, in the North west of Navarre, and it gives pilots the opportunity to fly over the area known as the Sakana, which covers an extension of around 300 km2 , framed by Aralar range, and Urbasa and Andia natural park.
Like in previous editions, pilots from different provinces came to enjoy this day, some of them since the eve, others from early on the same day. This time, there were around 110 people registered.

And this year the meteorology didn’t disappoint us, giving pilots good flights from Santa Marina take off (North oriented), both in the morning and in the afternoon. However, at midday the changing wind made the organizers stop the programmed lifts to the take-off. But this only allowed everybody to enjoy the non-stop lunch, thanks to the embers that the different cooks kept burning from 11:30 in the morning until late in the afternoon, and to the bar served by some club members.

The Afternoon was also useful to try material that some guest distributors had brought (Kasana, Parashop or Niviuk), and pilots and their companions could catch up, talking and listening to music.
Later in the afternoon the lifts started again, when the north wind returned, and many pilots could enjoy flights over the Sakana valley, in a gorgeous afternoon and evening, in which the sky became full of wings. It was also a good moment for the first paragliding experiences for some people, who experienced tandem flights for the first time.

And, just after landing, back to Iturmendi to continue with the good atmosphere, this time with live music until it was time for the popular dinner, served in the fronton. After dinner, the traditional presents raffle took place, with the usual many and good gifts -most offered by big collaborating brands.
The party went on afterwards, with more live music till late. And those with a camper van could spend the night in the area for that purpose.
So, summing up, the Sakana Paragliding Day met the expectations once again, thanks to the atmosphere, the good weather, and the effort of the organizers. See you next year!

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