The Colorado is a glider of new design in which Mac Para incorporated technical developments of their more advanced wings, with a reflex profile that ensures high stability in accelerated flight and a wide range of speeds that goes up to about 64-67 km/h with trimmers open and full speed bar. The wing has an aspect ratio of 5.5 and 58 cells. It is available in 6 sizes, from 18 to 30 and covering weights from 80 to 180 kg, and in 3 color schemes or the option to choose your custom colors.

This is what Javier Sierra says about the Colorado:

Parapente Colorado de Mac Para. Foto: Javier Sierra
Javier Sierra trying the dynamic handling of the new  Colorado of Mac Para

“Yesterday I got to test-fly the new Mac Para wing, the Colorado. It replaces the Blaze GT model. It is a sporty wing with a very easy handling for people who want to fly every day with safety, and have fun.

With the Colorado, you can take off without stress in all wind conditions. The wing inflates and lifts in a very soft and controlled way.

During the flight pilots can appreciate stability and safety, but if you want to do a sportier session, the Colorado can make you enjoy.

One of the new features is the 2D system in its brakes (optional), which lets you turn using only the wingtip or combining: one side with the centre and the other with the tip. The final result of this is that you can make very different turns, tightly closed, flat, soft, or aggressive. This 2D control allows you to steer the glider while flying with trimmers totally open and pushing the speed bar with no need to shift your hands to auxiliary controls.

Parapente Colorado de Mac Para. Foto: Javier Sierra

A new longer trimmer gives the wing about half its accelerated speed increase, nearly ten kilometres per hour.

All its upper lines are unsheathed. The Colorado has a very great speed range, and the standard version comes with small controls to steer when you fly at maximum speed using full trimmer and speed bar.

I think The Colorado is a very good option for those pilots who want to fly every day, go for long raids, and have fun in any condition”. J.S.


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