On July 11, 2018, starts this international Open and National Championship in tandem mode, one of the few competitive events in the world designed for teams of two people and which -after 4 days- will determine the best tandem pilot of Spain.

Tandem Paragliding Open
Take off from Pena Negra in Piedrahita during the previous Tandem PG Open in 2016.

The Piedrahita area is chosen for the third time to celebrate this special event that enjoys an encouraging and friendly competitive environment, with ideal conditions for distance flight.

According to Nomadair Club, organizer of this and the previous two championships in the same location, it will be a great opportunity for professional and amateur tandem pilots to test their skills and compare with other paragliders and pilots. The only limitation is that the gliders are certified.

It can also be a great learning experience for pilots who sign up as passengers and take it as a custom cross country intensive course, like some participants did in the previous edition two years ago.

“Although it is a competition, its main objective is to enjoy four days among friends, 4 days of fun flying in company, and 4 days for PIEDRAHITA to colour its skies with paragliders different from the usual ones: Tandem wings!”

The previous Tandem Open held in 2016 closed with a national record of Distance to Goal from Piedrahita to Santo Domingo de las Posadas, achieved by Alberto Marin Gonzalez and his passenger. Before that, in 2012, another Spanish record was beaten, that time was distance in a straight line, with 79.54 km flown from Piedrahita to Aldeavieja by Salvador Medina Ruiz.

In 2016, our pilot Daniel Crespo was the absolute winner of the Championship (you can see the article here in Spanish), and this year he will be defending the title against other good pilots both from Spain and foreigners.

Registrations are open through the Nomadair Club website.

+Info: http://nomadair.com/nomadair-club-de-parapente/piedrahita-2018/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CampeonatoParapenteBiplaza/

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