With an aspect ratio of 5.35 points and 49 cells, Gin’s latest EN B certified tandem paraglider, the Fuse 3, was built on the success of the Fuse 2, after much work and feedback from professional pilots, say at Gin Gliders.
The most significant development of the Fuse 3 lies in its lightness.
It was achieved with a novel fabric that Gin developed exclusively for the Fuse 3 in collaboration with the also Korean brand Myugjin. Myugjin is a renowned parachute cloth maker with years of experience, explains Gin, and this is the first paraglider cloth they produce.
They also announce other innovations like a new big ears system on the risers that facilitates the pull and release of the ears while still allowing the use of the brakes for better control of the wing’s glide ratio.
Test pilot and designer Tom Bollinger explains:
“It was really challenging for us to improve this glider even more, especially as everyone was totally happy with the predecessor… The Fuse series has always been known for its excellent take-off abilities in all conditions, its good performance, and precise, playful handling. It was important to keep these qualities whilst introducing some new developments…We introduce a brand new fabric developed by GIN with Myungjin. Its coating is a PU- based composite, which makes it extremely durable, despite being lighter than the fabric we were using on the Fuse 2. The Myungjin, MJ40MF (40 g) and MJ32MF (32 g) have shown excellent porosity and strength test results both in the laboratory and also under real conditions.…With the new fabric being also lighter, the wing weighs in at 7.2kg, making the Fuse 3 one of the lightest everyday tandems on the market. We also worked on the trimming of the brakes. Brake pressure has slightly decreased. We introduced a new big ear system on the risers. We made the trimmers easy to change, it is now possible to replace the trimmer webbing in just a few steps.”
The Fuse 3 comes in two sizes, 37 (90-190 kg) and 41 (90 -220 kg), in three factory color schemes: lemon, coral, and turquoise. It has fully sheathed Edelrid lines, airfoil with Equalized Pressure Technology (EPT), 20mm riser (706g), optional 12mm Kevlar risers (532g), spreader bars (hard, 760g ea.), optional supple (soft, 183g ea.) spreaders, tandem carabiners, inner bag, compression strap, XXL rucksack, and repair kit.
+info: https://www.gingliders.com/es/paragliders/fuse-3/
En España: www.kasana.es