With aspect ratio of 5.5 and certified EN B, the Bi Skin 2 P offers weight and volume reduced to the maximum thanks to a combination of materials that include Porcher 32g tissue for the top surface (there is no inner surface) and Porcher 38g on the leading edge – which incorporates Nitinol rods that provide “more durability and form stability”, according to Niviuk. The Bi Skin 2 P has 12 mm risers of Kevlar Webbing and unsheathed Aramid lines, with Dyneema brake lines.
Available in size 31 m2 with a weight range of 110 to 190 kg, the new Bi Skin 2 P is designed both for leisure and commercial flights and it is, undoubtedly, a paraglider with a clear vocation for ‘hike & fly’ or vol-biv.

Regarding its flying characteristics, at Niviuk underline a fast take off behaviour, “surprisingly easy and very short”. Ii is a low-arched glider to prevent pendulum effect, and it offers “excellent control in turns and direct but very responsive handling”. The low weight of the wing contributes to reduce possible inertia and aerodynamic resistance, and give it “superb performance”, according to the manufacturer.
+Info: http://niviuk.com/