The lightest and most compact paraglider in the Mac Para range, the new Outback is EN B certified and despite its small size and high wing load it is well balanced and offers “excellent” glide performance, according to the Czech manufacturer.

The Outback is a classic double surface wing, easy to launch and fly, available in only one size (21) that covers a weight range of 55 to 105 kg, with a glider weight of 2.7 kg. In the lower range (55-75) it is a good thermalling glider for intermediate and progressing pilots, while in the middle (70-90) it is a perfect hike&fly glider, easy to carry and handle, according to Mac Para. Flying the Outback at the highest wing load (90-105kg) makes it a fast and dynamic mini wing for expert pilots.

Mac Para Outback

The Outback has an aspect ratio of 4.7 and 36 cells. At Mac Para believe it is the best performing lightweight paraglider available on the market thanks to its comfortable handling combined with good climbing characteristics, unbeatable penetration in windy conditions and great glide performance.

The glider was built with Skytex 32 and Skytex 27 sail cloth and using double 3D shaping and C wires on the leading edge for a clean top surface. Top and middle lines are unsheathed Aramid/Kevlar lines, with sheathed Dynema lines on the lower section for ease of use and durability. It has lightweight Dyneema risers.


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