On the two best flying days this week, most likely on Friday 26 and Saturday 27, will take place the air battles. Fifteen pilots from 11 countries, considered the best exponents of the most technical paragliding discipline, will display their skills to execute with maximum precision and audacity some of the over 60 existing acrobatic maneuvers, in which they can reach speeds over 100km/h and centrifugal forces of up to 6G.

Finals Acro Game 2018

The format of the Acro Game is designed for each pilot to offer creative routines by chaining different maneuvers, but in the second round, the classifieds should also be able to perform the routine proposed by their opponents as cleanly as possible to win every battle.

The top 8 pilots of the first round move on to the second round, in which 4 competitors will pass to the finals, according to the rules that grant each pilot a letter of the word ACRO for every mistake he makes, and eliminates him when completing that word. The 4 finalists will fight the last duel for the podium of this game created by Acro pilots to take advantage of the massive training sessions at the “Magic Mountain” of Organya (Catalonia, Spain), where each year the best paragliding acrobats gather to prepare for the championships of the European Acro calendar.

Acro Game 2018. Photo: Laurent Merle

This year’s participants include well-established names from the Acro scene, such as winners of previous editions Tim Alongi and Theo de Blic, Spain’s Raul Rodriguez or the Chilean Bicho Carrera, along with young talents like Nicola Donini or Jack Plimbett.

The Acro Game faces its 4th edition despite the absence of the organizer and founder, Horacio Llorens, who suffered an accident at the King of Brenta championship some ten days ago; from Ojovolador we wish him a speedy recovery.

+Info: http://acrogame.es/

*Follow it on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/game.acro/ and Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/game.acro/

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