As expected, the day was canned on weather. It is getting brighter but after sending two scout vehicles to take off, Meet Director Mr. Marcelo Ratis decided to cancel the day.  Good call, the roads are too muddy and very slippery to drive up safely, plus the forecast is for early over developments and rain all over by early afternoon.  We are all glad the organisers are prioritizing our wellbeing.

Muddy road to takeoff
Muddy road to takeoff. 4th FAI Panamerican Championships

Tomorrow looks much better though, you can hear it straight from the organiser’s mouth below.

4º Panamericano de Parapente: Director de prueba Marcelo Ratis explica cancelación de 1ª manga

Desde Baixo Guando, Brasil, el director de prueba del Panamericano nos explica la meteorología local, que está cambiando rápidamente pero para hoy ha dejado una ventana demasiado pequeña para intentar una manga, además de estar los caminos muy malos. La buena noticia es que pinta mucho mejor para mañana lunes. @Paolo Bellezze @FAI CIVL

Publicada por en Domingo, 8 de marzo de 2020

Meet Director, Mr Marcelo Ratis explains the current weather conditions and gives us his positive outlook for a possible first task tomorrow Monday.

We also asked Launch Marshall Dioclecio Dio Rosendo the reasons to cancel today’s task and his thoughts on the coming days. He says there’s a lot of rain and the access to takeoff is not safe, but tomorrow there will be good chances to fly and it looks good for the following days. See the video below:

4th FAI PanAmerican Championships – Encargado del despegue nos explica las razones para cancelar la 1ª manga

El miembro de la organización y encargado del despegue Dioclecio Dio Rosendo nos explica las condiciones de hoy y su opinión sobre lo que nos espera en los próximos días, en que tendremos mejores oportunidades para hacer las carreras. FAI CIVL Paolo Bellezze

Publicada por en Domingo, 8 de marzo de 2020

Here some pictures from today and last night’s opening ceremony.

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Previous article4th Pan American Champs: Training day washed out but there’s caipirinha and Rock & Roll in the menu
Next article4th FAI Pan American Championships: T2- The rain stopped and ‘the beautiful game’ (jogo bonito) started
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