First of all, apologies for the late report.  Truth being told, I bombed out for the second day in a row and I was so down, I could not bear talking to people in case they had made Goal. This game can be cruel, especially when you suck at it. Rant over, no more picking trees to hang from, tomorrow is a new day, a new chance to feed our massive egos, yay!!!

As a friend told last night “look at where we are… at least we are not in the office…” So true, Baixu Guando is a Paradise on earth, a Paradise for those who enjoy friendship, kind people, delicious food, beautiful nature and amazing flying in scenery.  More on the location after the comp, but wow! What a place… the people make it extra special as if the location was not spectacular enough.

Task 3 on Wednesday 11th was a 64.9km zig-zag down wind-ish, crossing the river three times. It covered flatlands, high ground as well as a breath-taking goal line in a depression surrounded by steep granite peaks…. spectacular.  Don’t miss Shauin Kao’s selfie video from the arrival, she had to go around some peaks to get into this beautiful landing.

Gol T3 Panamericano de Parapente, por Shauin Kao

Espectacular paisaje en la llegada a gol de la 3ª manga válida del Campeonato Panamericano de Parapente en Baixo Guandu, Brasil. Así lo captaba la primera mujer en cruzar la línea de gol, la argentina Shauin Kao. #panbaixoguandu2020

Publicada por en Viernes, 13 de marzo de 2020

There were multiple lines possible and pilots did succeed and battled for the lead taking different routes.

One thing did not change and that is Brazilian dominance. Frankie Brown, Rafael Saladini, Gilberto Ferreira, the very young Caio Henrique and others, all did well.  Frankie gives no sign of slowing down but when he eventually does, there’s dozens ready to pick his leadership. Hats off for this Paragliding Nation that has done serious work in developing to where it stands today, head and shoulders about any other American country.

A beautiful surprise for the day was to see the once World Top 10, Venezuelan, Carlos Daniel Gomez come into Goal first. He took 3rd for the day due to leading points. A fox may shed its fur but not its habits… well done champion! Nevertheless, it was the man from the land of the brave, Russian Gleb Sukhotskiy who took the win at the rhythm of Tango… this is not a figure of speech, this is literal. The man flies blasting Tango out of his cockpit ?, a bear of a man, by the way, huge bloke! In the video below he told us how he flew the task:

4th Pan American Paragliding Championships: Gleb Suhotskiy T3 winner

Russia's Gleb Suhotskiy was the winner of the 3rd valid task of the Pan American Championships on Wednesday 11th, and is now 3rd overall in the comp. Here, he explains how he flew the 64.9km course. #panbaixoguandu2020

Publicada por en Viernes, 13 de marzo de 2020

Last, in the female front it was the time for a well-known character to win it. The Argentine Team’s “biologic weapon”, Shauin “La China” Kao.  In case you are wondering with that name, Shauin was born in Taiwan but raised in Argentina since she was 4. She is by all means as Argentine as Piazzola, Fangio, Messi or Corrupt Politicians. Shauin flew her own line today, she took the long way around and made it to goal in good time. Vamos Chinita!!!!

Shauin Kao, ganadora de la 3ª manga valida del Panamericano de Parapente

@Shauin Kao, miembro del equipo argentino y ganadora de la manga 3 (miércoles 11 de marzo) del Campeonato Panamericano de Parapente entre las mujeres, nos explica como hizo el recorrido por una línea algo diferente. Entrevista de Paolo Bellezze. #panbaixoguandu2020

Publicada por en Viernes, 13 de marzo de 2020

I was not mentally present yesterday so I will not bore you with more made-up details.  You better hear the stories from the winners themselves on the interviews we did today on launch. Thank you very much to Richard Pettigal’s younger half, Ana who translated for us the winner’s account. ?

The story of the day. Not a nice one

One of our ‘brothers in arms’ had a very unfortunate event happening to him.

It turns out, like in many other places, there was a crazy guy who hates people, especially those landing in his land.  We have all been somewhere, where this kind of thing happens.  The pilot was attacked with a stick and nearly got an arm broken before reducing the attacker.  Is a shame the pilot landing there was not Gleb, the giant Russian, or we would all be reading a different story.  Perhaps the story would read like “Crazy farmer, is crazy no more after getting his head ripped off by giant Russian…”.  Next time you know where to land Gleb!

Luckily the organizers are sensible people and decided to pursue legally the attacker.  He will be in trouble.

Now time for us to continue. Task 4 was cancelled this morning due to rain but you hear about that soon! Cheerio from Baixo Guando, is Caipirinha O’Clock and well, I’m never late for an appointment like that. 😉

By Paolo Bellezze, Ojovolador Team.


For full results & overalls visit:

Nations results:

PositionNationalityScoring Pilots
1RussiaGleb Sukhotskiy, Denis Pogolsha
2VenezuelaCarlos Gomez, Pavel Alcocer
3BrazilFrank Brown, Gilberto Ferreira Raposo

Womens results:

1Shauin KaoArgentinaOzone, Zeno
2Bianca HeinrichUSAEagle Paragliding, Bozeman ParaglidingNiviuk, Evox
3Joanna di GrigoliVenezuelaGin Gliders, La SambuyGin, Leopard

Men results:

1Gleb SukhotskiyRussiaTeam RussiaOzone, Enzo 3
2Frank BrownBrasilGin Gliders, DNA Turismo, X Vario, LandsprideGin, Boomerang 11
3Carlos Daniel GomezVenezuelaGin, Boomerang 11


+Info, results & Live Tracking:

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